Faculty of humanities

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Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree is an undergraduate postsecondary degree that puts a focus on liberal arts and studies. In comparison, a Bachelor

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Bachelor of Arts (hons.)

BA Hons is an abbreviation of the Bachelor of Arts Honors course. It is an undergraduate honors course. It is offered in various specializations such

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Bachelor of fine arts

BFA full form is Bachelor of Fine Arts. BFA course is a 3-4 year undergraduate course depending on the specialization. Bachelor of Fine Arts deals wit

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Bachelor of Hotel Management

BHM or Unhitched male of Inn The board course is a 3-year college degree in friendliness of the executives. Not many of the universities and foundatio

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Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication

BJMC (Lone ranger of News coverage and Mass Correspondence) is a three-year length college degree course for competitors who wish to fabricate their v

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Bachelor of physical Education (Bachelor of physical Education)

Testament in Actual Schooling, curtailed as B.P.Ed., is a 1-year course that is concentrated on after higher optional training/10+2. Numerous schoo

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Bachelor of Science

BSc or Four year certification in scientific studies is a college level of three years term which is all around presented across foundations and colle

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Bachelor of Social Work

BSW, likewise named as Single man of Social Work is a long term college degree course that gives information and abilities to work in the social area,

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Bachelors of Hospital Management

Emergency clinic The board courses include the preparation to get ready understudies for the regulatory and administrative jobs (including the powerfu

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The Diploma in Pharmacy (DPharma) is a 2-year program meticulously crafted for individuals passionate about contributing to healthcare and pharmaceuti

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Diploma In Hotel Management

A 3-year diploma-level education in hotel management is called a "diploma in hotel management." The diploma in hotel management course, which is broke

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Diploma in Industrial Safety Management

Innovation supported modern cycles that handle a lot of energy are fundamentally centered around security and safeguarding laborers, gear, the climate

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GIS and remote sensing (Diploma)

The measurement of the earth using sensors is known as remote sensing. The energy that Earth reflects back is typically detected by remote sensors to

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Master of Science

MSc, or master of science, is the complete form. In specialized science subjects like physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, botany, biotechnology,

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The Post Graduate Recognition in Tax collection is a confirmation course understudies can do after they have finished graduation. This confirmation co

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